Xa contamos coa nova versión de Joomla! 3.0. Non é necesario que os usuarios muden a esta versión do CMS, xa que a 2.5 é unha versión Long Term Support e non será ate a versión 3.5 (planificada para verán de 2014). Entre as novas características gustaría reseñar o soporte para postgresql. Agora será posible ter unha instalación Joomla! traballando con PostgreSQL, abrindo o abano de posibilidades de integración noutros sistemas.
Tamén integra o framework CSS de Twitter Bootstrap, que permitirá dispoñer de deseños «responsives», tanto para o backend coma para o frontend. A continuación o listado coas novidades:
- Incorporation of Twitter Bootstrap into a jui media package.
- A new responsive administrator template--Isis-- and interface.
- A new front end template--Protostar-- built using Twitter Bootstrap Updated accessible template called Beez3
- PostgreSQL Driver. You will be able to run Joomla 3.0 sites using the PostgreSQL database.
- PHP Memcached Driver
- Use of JFeed for feed management rather than SimplePie
- Installation of language packages directly from the extension manager
- Guest user group present by default
- Saving blank articles allowed
- New administrator statistics module
- Update TinyMCE to version 3.5.6
- Continued clean up of older unused code, files and database fields and tables and improved standardization of tables.
- Improvements to Smart Search
- Extensive work on code style standardisation and consistency
- Unit testing in the CMS
- Updated system tests in the CMS
Última actualización | 2012-11-21 9:38 PM (Europe/Madrid) |
Data de creación | 2012-09-09 9:39 PM (Europe/Madrid) |
The Joomla! Project is pleased to announce the availability of Joomla! CMS 3 Beta1. Community members are asked to download and install the package in order to provide quality assurance for Joomla 3.0 scheduled for release on September 27, 2012. | |
joomla cms php |